Know us Better

We're hyper-focused
on what we do best

Techno Support's journey began as a modest computer repair and software installation service, staffed by a dedicated team of tech-savvy professionals. Their primary focus was addressing basic computer issues and ensuring seamless software installations. However, as technology evolved, so did Techno Support's capabilities. They strategically expanded their services to encompass a broader range of electronic devices, including computers, printers, and laptops, catering to the diverse needs of individual users and businesses. This expansion solidified their reputation as a reliable provider of tech solutions.

Today, Techno Support stands as a dynamic and forward-thinking electronics company with a history marked by remarkable achievements. Despite a history spanning just a few years, their commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction remains unwavering, empowering individuals and businesses with dependable, state-of-the-art tech solutions.


Our goal is to provide the best solution for security system with top notch technology at an affordable price without compromising in its quality.


To be the most reliable IT, Security, power devices provider with more than 1,00,000 active technician’s team across GLOBE in more then 10,000 Cities of world.

Meet the dedicated

Our Team

who drive innovation, creativity,
and excellence.

Together, we're shaping the future of security systems and delivering top-notch solutions to our clients. Get to know the faces behind our success.

Infinite Arrow is not only a leader in technical product development and manufacturing but also a company deeply dedicated to fostering innovation. They are committed to supporting a wide range of businesses, from small startups to large enterprises, by providing tailored solutions to meet their unique needs. Whether you're a fledgling startup with ambitious ideas or an established company seeking to stay on the cutting edge, Infinite Arrow is your trusted partner in realizing your vision. Their unwavering dedication to assisting businesses of all sizes underscores their pivotal role in driving technological advancements and nurturing the growth of innovative enterprises worldwide.

At The Creative Design Studio, we believe that design is more than just aesthetics - it's about creating an emotional connection between a brand and its target audience. We work closely with our clients to understand their brand's values & unique selling points, and then use our expertise to create visually compelling designs that effectively communicate their message to their target audience.

Whether you're a small start-up or an established brand, The Creative Design Studio can help you take your business to the next level. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Our Community

Join us in creating a brighter future.

Making a Difference Together. Explore how Techno Support engages with and supports communities.

  • Gundal Enterprises
  • Wee Bee Enterprises
  • Newgene Security Solutions
  • High-Tech Vision
  • TT Electronics
  • Energy Needs
  • Solar Shoppee
  • Accura Tequipment
  • B Squres Computers
  • SG Computers
  • Genesis Ventures
  • Metro Computech
  • Shri Balaji Enterprises
  • Lotus Enterprises
  • Super Vision